SchoemanLaw Inc
#Covid19 – What are landlords and tenants to do now?
9th April 2020 Lately both landlords and tenants are concerned about the future. Landlords are seriously at risk of losing tenants in mass or having to deal with... →
What are the rights of Employees and Support Staff who work for Essential Services Providers during #COVID-19 lockdown?
6th April 2020 As a result of the nationwide COVID-19 lockdown implemented this past week the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Ms.... →
The Fulfilment Of Contractual Obligations In The Context Of #Covid19 – Unpacking Impossibility Of Performance And Force Majeure
6th April 2020 The Coronavirus pandemic has had a significant impact on business, although in South Africa, we have not yet realized the exact impact. What is for... →
Lease Agreements During COVID Lockdown - Possible Relief for Retail Rental Sector
3rd April 2020 The unfolding COVID-19 crisis will have many long-lasting and unforeseen economic impacts on the global economy. Of the many concerns is what a... →
Covid-19: how Darwin, a pangolin, and a virus have impacted the fiduciary duties of directors
3rd April 2020 Charles Darwin lived in an age of discovery and adventure. He was a well-known and adventurous epicure who, being a member of the ‘Glutton Club’,... →
Covid-19: Am I Covered for Medical Expenses?
3rd April 2020 If not by experience; we all have at least heard one recollection of an event from a friend, colleague or family member, where a medical aid scheme... →
Covid-19: Business Interruption And Public Liability Insurance
31st March 2020 On the backdrop of national lock-downs, government imposed sanitary measures and self-isolation; business owners are left with burning questions... →
Mediation between landlords and tenants – a critical tool now?
30th March 2020 Some definitions of mediation include "an intervention in a dispute in order to resolve it” or “intervention in a process or relationship. ” The... →