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The Conversation

African cities and climate change: the real debate is who should pay to fix the problem

20th June 2023 For most city mayors and managers in Africa, the debate about whether climate change is real is a moot topic. They know it is. They are on the... 

The Conversation

Climate change journalism in South Africa misses the mark by ignoring people’s daily experiences

20th June 2023 South Africa’s media houses rely too heavily on events like conferences, climate disasters and the release of scientific papers in their reporting... 

The Conversation

South Africa’s ruling party is performing dismally, but a flawed opposition keeps it in power

20th June 2023 As power cuts continue, the economy falters, unemployment rises and the currency tumbles, South Africa’s political commentators tend to agree that... 

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The Conversation

Chad on the brink: how the war in Sudan hurts its fragile neighbour

9th June 2023 Since the 15 April outbreak of hostilities in Sudan, the civilian population has been bearing the brunt. The Rapid Support Forces, led by General... 

The Conversation

Kenya’s opposition wants to split up the country – but secession calls seldom succeed

9th June 2023 Kenya’s opposition politicians recently called for secession – which is the withdrawal of territory and sovereignty from part of an existing state... 

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West African countries show how working together over decades builds peace and stops wars breaking out

9th June 2023 Africa is often portrayed as a continent ravaged by war, terrorism, poverty and political instability. But over the past five decades few violent... 

The Conversation

China’s population grew older and richer: policy lessons for some African countries

9th June 2023 For decades China was the world’s most populous country. But that’s changed. Its population has peaked, and is now falling. The country has... 

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‘Peter Pan’ Enahoro, Nigerian journalist and publisher, was not afraid to speak his mind

8th June 2023 There are some people whose lives intersect with yours even if you never meet them in the flesh. One of these was Peter Osajele Aizegbeobor... 

South Africa’s power crisis will continue until 2025 - and blackouts will take 5 years to phase out

South Africa’s power crisis will continue until 2025 - and blackouts will take 5 years to phase out

7th June 2023 South Africa is in the middle of a severe electricity crisis, with enforced power cuts that have worsened every year. Electricity is sometimes... 

Hepatitis B is a life-threatening liver infection – our machine learning tool could help with early detection

Hepatitis B is a life-threatening liver infection – our machine learning tool could help with early detection

7th June 2023 More than 296-million people worldwide live with hepatitis B, a potentially life-threatening liver infection caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV).... 

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