Corruption Watch (RF) NPC and Another v President of the Republic of South Africa and Others; Council for the Advancement of the South African Constitution v President of the Republic of South Africa and Others (62470/2015) [2017] ZAGPPHC 742
8th December 2017 Judge President Dunstan Mlambo has ruled that Advocate Shaun Abrahams, the National Director of Public Prosecutions (NDPP), must vacate his seat.... →
Ntamo v African National Congress Regional Executive Committee, OR Tambo Region and Others (1693/2017) [2017] ZAECMHC 49
24th November 2017 1. A brief background to this matter is as follows: a) The Appellant brought an application against the respondent wherein it inter alia sought the... →
Wierzycka and Another v Manyi (30437/17) [2017] ZAGPJHC 323
24th November 2017 [1] This is an urgent application which concerns a delicate balancing exercise of the right to freedom of expression on the one hand and on the... →
Solidariteit Helpende Hand NPC & Another vs Minister Of Basic Education & Another
8th November 2017 Education - Department bursary scheme requiring applicants to specialise in indigenous African languages and to commit to teach in rural areas -... →
S Panayiotou and Others (CC26/2016) [2017] ZAECPEHC 53
3rd November 2017 [1] Uxoricide, an amalgam of the Latin Uxor, meaning wife, and, conjoined by the suffix cide, from caedere, meaning “to cut”, “to kill” is a word,... →
S v Van Breda (SS17/16) [2017] ZAWCHC 120
1st November 2017 This is the 54th day of the trial. The Accused is indicted before us on several charges inter alia of murder, the victims being members of his... →
Apleni v President of the Republic of South Africa and Another (65757/2017) [2017] ZAGPPHC 656
27th October 2017 This urgent application was set down for 3 October 2017. It is dated 23 September 2017, and was filed with the Registrar of this Court on 2 6... →
Ntamo v African National Congress Regional Executive Committee, OR Tambo Region and Others (1693/17) [2017] ZAECGHC 111
20th October 2017 [1] This is an application for leave to appeal against the judgment of this court non-suiting the applicant and Mr Mlandeli Ndabetha (the second... →
The re-opened inquest into the death of Ahmed Essop Timol (IQ01/2017) [2017] ZAGPPHC 652
16th October 2017 The 1972 inquest into the death of Ahmed Essop Timol ("Timol") was formally reopened by the High Court on 26 June 2017, in terms of Section 17A of... →
Annex Distribution (Pty) Ltd and Others v Bank of Baroda (52590/2017) [2017] ZAGPPHC 639
11th October 2017 Urgency – Rule 6(12) of the Uniform Rules of Court - application for interim interdict - matter specially enrolled by directive of Deputy Judge... →