Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr
AB InBev merger conditions
1st July 2016 Although it is somewhat unusual for the Tribunal to adjust agreed conditions, the Tribunal is required to exercise its inquisitorial powers to... →
When political demands and strikers’ demands collide
29th June 2016 Where a political party intervenes in a strike, any concerns which the employer has must be raised with the political party and not with the trade... →
The nature of disputes and the impact on strikes
28th June 2016 In Mawethu Civils (Pty) Ltd v National Union of Mineworkers and Others (Case no: PA2/14), the court clarified that the nature of a dispute as... →
Employer / employee consultation: no longer the exclusive domain of labour law as competition law creeps in
28th June 2016 The recently gazetted merger public interest assessment guidelines (Guidelines) caution that the Competition Commission (Commission) will consider,... →
The Constitutional Court clarifies the policy-making authority of school governing bodies
27th June 2016 Education in South Africa is everyone’s concern. Each year the state, companies, non-governmental organisations, families and individuals spend... →
South Africa builds up to Basel III implementation
23rd June 2016 In South Africa, recently promulgated banking regulations are paving the way for the regulators to assess whether or not South African banks will... →
Unlawful demands and strikes and the importance of contractual terms
22nd June 2016 In G4S Cash Solutions SA (Pty) Ltd v Motor Transport Workers Union and Others (JA51/15) [2016] ZALCJHB 2016 (26 May 2016), the employer required... →
In what circumstances can provisional trustees sell an insolvent estate’s immovable property?
17th June 2016 The Supreme Court of Appeal (SCA) in Swart v Starbuck & Others 2016 ZASCA 83, reaffirmed the necessary authorisation for a trustee of an insolvent... →