This time the uprising in Zimbabwe is different – but will it bring regime change?
14th July 2016 Zimbabwe’s ruling Zimbabwe African National Union – Patriotic Front (ZANU-PF) has failed to develop sustainable institutions that could drive a... →
IFP: Mangosuthu Buthelezi: Address by President of the Inkatha Freedom Party, during the IFP manifesto launch, Hunter’s Field Stadium, Katlehong, Gauteng (10/07/2016)
12th July 2016 As I stand in this stadium and look out across a sea of IFP supporters, I know that there is hope for South Africa. →
Concerned DTI engaging with Zim on trade restrictions
By: News24Wire 11th July 2016 The adverse impact on South African exporters due to trade restrictive measures introduced by the government of Zimbabwe cannot be underestimated,... →
dti: South African Government engages Zimbabwe on the latest trade restrictive measures
10th July 2016 The Department of Trade & Industry (the dti) notes with concern the range of trade restrictive measures that the government of Zimbabwe has... →
'Insufficient' police for hotspots ahead of elections
By: News24Wire 25th May 2016 Not enough police have been deployed to hotspots around the country ahead of the local government elections, Parliament heard on Tuesday. Briefing... →
UCT: Message delivered by Dr Price on UCT student accommodation and protests
18th February 2016 More than 75% of University of Cape Town students staying in residence are black, Vice-Chancellor Dr Max Price said today as he summarised UCT’s... →
FF Plus: Dr. Pieter Groenewald on crime statistics says violent crime increases
29th September 2015 Although the crime statistics released today indicates that contact crimes had only increased by 0,9%, people should not be misled by this, Dr.... →
DA: Dianne Kohler Barnard : Address by DA’s Shadow Minister of Police, during the budget vote debate on Police and the Independent Police Investigative Directorate (IPID), Parliament (15/05/2015)
15th May 2015 What do South Africans want? And What do South Africans deserve? Two of the most vexing questions of the past two decades. There does, however,... →