SA: Buti Manamela: Address by the Deputy Minister in the Presidency, on the occasion of the Debate on the State of the Nation , Parliament, Cape Town (17/02/2016)
18th February 2016 My great grandfather allegedly had a one-trick-pony, or what you can call a one-hit-wonder. He bought the pony after selling his World War One... →
UCT: Message delivered by Dr Price on UCT student accommodation and protests
18th February 2016 More than 75% of University of Cape Town students staying in residence are black, Vice-Chancellor Dr Max Price said today as he summarised UCT’s... →
DA: Jacques Julius: Address by DA Member in the NCOP, during Sona Debate 2016, Parliament (17/02/2016)
17th February 2016 In die boek Kringe in ‘n Bos, geskryf deur Dalene Matthee, het ek ‘n interresante lesing gekry. Mense het vir jare geglo dat ‘n bloubokkie anders... →
DA: Dr Wilmot James on medical waste says DA calls upon Motsoaledi to ensure hospitals comply with Health Act
17th November 2015 I will today write to the Minister of Health, Aaron Motsoaledi, to request a meeting with him to discuss the failure by hospitals in the Free... →
How can Senegal combat illegal fishing?
By: ISS, Institute for Security Studies 17th November 2015 The Senegalese coastline is one of Africa’s richest fishing grounds. Generations of communities have depended on fishing to make a living, but more... →
FF Plus: Adv. Anton Alberts says Investors not interested in a country in which ANC is put first
17th November 2015 It is increasingly becoming clear that investors are not prepared to invest their money in a country where corrupt political parties put their... →
DA: Harold McGluwa says health’s security contract must be probed
18th August 2015 The DA will this week submit additional parliamentary questions to the Northern Cape Health MEC, Mac Jack, to further probe the department’s... →
Domestic wind generators could be money-spinners
By: Kim Cloete 14th August 2015 A South African entrepreneur has pioneered a wind-powered generator that operates as an independent mini power station for households and small... →