The Health and Safety Implications of Remote Working in light of Covid-19
6th May 2020 The national lockdown regulations issued by Government under the Disaster Management Act, 2002 ("Regulations") require every person to be confined... →
Gender and Class Struggles in the era of the Covid-19 National Lockdown
14th April 2020 From disproportionate and targeted violence against the working class and poor carried out by the state to the escalation of gender violence in the... →
Kenya’s ambitious wind turbines battle community land crosswinds
By: ISS, Institute for Security Studies 16th March 2020 The tussle in Kenya’s high court between Marsabit County residents and the government over the land used for Africa’s biggest wind farm continues... →
Corobrik's quality face brick adds to Gauteng's vibrant new Noordegesig Primary School
2nd March 2020 The start of the 2020 school year was particularly exciting for some 1 800 pupils as they entered the doors of the newly-constructed Noordgesig... →
'Traumatised' Africans stranded by coronavirus plead to be brought home
By: Reuters 21st February 2020 Countries across the world have flown their nationals home from China's quarantined Hubei province, the centre of the outbreak of the virus that... →
DA to keep monitoring security measures at DUT
28th January 2020 The Democratic Alliance Students Organisation (DASO) Constituency Head, DA MP Hannah Winkler, DA MP Deputy Shadow Minister of Higher Education,... →
MultiChoice teams up with Department of Arts and Culture to upskill youth in Eastern Cape
22nd January 2020 MultiChoice Talent Factory South Africa (MTFza), is currently facilitating a workshop aimed at upskilling youth in the video entertainment... →
Unstable democracy
By: Raymond Suttner 21st January 2020 At the inauguration of post-apartheid democracy, there were some fears for stability, though these related to the old regime and the far right and... →