DENOSA fearful of the negative impact of austerity measures on patients and healthcare services.
15th September 2023 As today marks the start of the National Treasury’s tight financial control measures or austerity measures in all national and provincial... →
Debt derailment?
By: Terence Creamer 15th September 2023 As with so much else in South Africa currently, the indication given by new Transnet chairperson Andile Sangqu that the State-owned freight... →
South African unions threaten to strike over spending cuts
By: Bloomberg 13th September 2023 South Africa’s largest labour union federation is threatening to go on strike if the government backs proposed austerity measures, which could... →
Pieterse says results of State configuration review could be made known before November
By: Terence Creamer 12th September 2023 New National Treasury director-general Dr Duncan Pieterse reports that recommendations arising from a joint review by the National Treasury and the... →
Ramaphosa to push ahead with cutting government's size to stabilise economy
By: News24Wire 12th September 2023 South Africa's R4.7-trillion "unsustainable public debt levels", including low growth rates, forced President Cyril Ramaphosa to consider cutting... →
COSATU is deeply dismayed by Treasury's shocking proposals to impose ill-considered cuts across the state
11th September 2023 The Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) is deeply dismayed by National Treasury's shocking proposals to impose ill-considered cuts... →
Nedlac mulls new social compacting models after failure of ‘big trade-off’
By: Terence Creamer 8th September 2023 With South Africa’s social partners having failed to agree the social compact that President Cyril Ramaphosa called for in his 2022 State of the... →
COSATU rejects Treasury's reckless attempts to impose misguided austerity budget cuts across government
7th September 2023 The Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) rejects National Treasury's reckless attempts to impose misguided austerity budget cuts across... →