Daily Podcast – July 3, 2019
By: Thabi Shomolekae 3rd July 2019 Making headlines: South Africa weighs new support measures for struggling Eskom; Lamola says prisons to get full body scanners; And, Public... →
South Africa weighs new support measures for struggling Eskom
By: Reuters 3rd July 2019 South Africa is weighing extra options to support Eskom, including swapping the financially troubled State power firm's debt for government bonds... →
NW: Job Mokgoro: Address by North West Premier, delivered at the north West Provincial Legislature, Mahikeng (28/06/2019)
28th June 2019 I stand before this august house to deliver the first State of the Province Address of the 6th Administration to clearly outline this government’s... →
OUTA: SONA 2019: Good intentions but short on conviction & implementation
21st June 2019 SONA 2019 was filled with good intentions, but lackluster in terms of implementation. We’ve heard about Government’s desire to create millions of... →
DA: GDE accused of hiding its inability to fix crumbling schools
18th June 2019 Despite self-serving propaganda from the Gauteng Education Department, their lack of urgency in dealing with crumbling and dangerous infrastructure... →
Taxman guns for Bosasa boss Gavin Watson
By: News24Wire 4th June 2019 The South African Revenue Service is gunning for corruption accused facilities management and security company Bosasa and its boss, Gavin Watson,... →
SA: David Mabuza, Address by Deputy President, at the handover of restituted land to the Seoding And Ga- Mopedi communities, Kuruman, Northern Cape (16/04/19)
16th April 2019 Thank you for inviting me to share in this momentous occasion, and to witness the hand-over of the land that was claimed, settled and finalised for... →
dti: R49 million Ekandustria Industrial Park key in linking markets - Minister Davies
12th April 2019 The Minister of Trade and Industry, Dr Rob Davies says the launched of the R49 million Ekandustria Industrial Park is recognised as a potential... →