Elasticsearch Meetup to make Durban debut
22nd August 2019 Durban tech and legal professionals can look forward to the first ever Elastic Durban Meetup to be hosted by open source search and analytics... →
South Africa's construction industry could become safer. Here's how
13th August 2019 Construction is tough, sometimes dangerous work. Globally, the construction industry accounts for about 7% of employment. But it’s responsible for... →
Barrick up on higher output as automation advances at Nevada
By: Martin Creamer 12th August 2019 Blast-hole drilling is being carried out remotely at Nevada Gold Mines, which is close to being an automated mine in sections. Nevada Gold Mines is... →
DBE: Basic Education on ADEA’s annual Policy Dialogue Forum highlights
31st July 2019 The Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA) yesterday concluded its High-Level Annual Policy Dialogue on Secondary Education... →
DoT: Mmamoloko Kubayi-Ngubane: Address by Tourism Minister, at the SMME Sustainability Summit, Sandton (30/07/2019)
31st July 2019 I would like to commend the The SMME Foundation, LSM Communications, NMT Capital and the Local Government Seta for bringing all of you together in... →
SA: Mmamoloko Kubayi-Ngubane: Address by Tourism Minister, at the Hackathon HLPF event, New York (17/07/2019)
18th July 2019 Let first take this opportunity to convey my cabinet colleague Minister Angie Motshekga’s apology. She is unfortunately unable to be here due to... →
NEHAWU: NEHAWU Statement On The Intention By DPSA To Cut Public Service Jobs
18th July 2019 The National Education, Health and Allied Workers’ Union [NEHAWU] has noted with disappointment the continued intent by the Department of Public... →
South Africans are upbeat about new technologies, but worried about jobs
17th July 2019 Powerful new technologies are emerging that will continue to affect individuals in multiple ways. This has led to references to a Fourth Industrial... →