Deepening Democracy through Access to Information



Changes to facilitate joint audits by SARS in the pipeline

8th September 2022 As a result of globalisation and the digitalisation of the economy, the number of South African taxpayers who engage in cross-border transactions... 

Photo of Terence Creamer

Crucial link

By: Terence Creamer     2nd September 2022 South Africans won’t agree with all the analysis and recommendations contained in the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development’s... 

The OECD says South Africa's road infrastructure financing is insufficient

OECD report links South Africa’s falling productivity to insufficient infrastructure investment 

By: Terence Creamer     25th August 2022 The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is forecasting that South Africa’s growth will slow to 1.8% in 2022 and dip to... 

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WCED innovates with data-driven systems

17th August 2022 Yesterday, the Western Cape Education Department (WCED) briefed the Standing Committee on how it collects and uses data through its Central... 

Fourth industrial revolution: President Ramaphosa’s jobs, skills and digitaliSAtion imperative boosted by SA’s largest non-profit for SMMEs

3rd August 2022 Today we announce that South Africa’s largest non-profit organisation supporting SMMEs, COBRA, is integrating with the BUSA-founded SAtion... 

The digitalisation of social protection before and since the onset of Covid-19: Opportunities, challenges and lessons

The digitalisation of social protection before and since the onset of Covid-19: Opportunities, challenges and lessons

24th June 2022 This paper discusses the main opportunities and challenges associated with digital social protection, drawing on trends pre-Covid and since the... 

Pothole App

GDRT in collaboration with CSIR launch the PotholeFixGP app for Gauteng motorists

23rd June 2022 The recently launched PotholeFixGP mobile application (app) has already recorded 4 861 downloads on the Google Play Store, with 1547 potholes... 

Seshego gets a digital hub to empower young enterpreneurs

15th June 2022 The Department of Trade, Industry and Competition (the dtic) is in the process of establishing a digital hub in the Seshego Industrial Park as part... 

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