Changes to facilitate joint audits by SARS in the pipeline
8th September 2022 As a result of globalisation and the digitalisation of the economy, the number of South African taxpayers who engage in cross-border transactions... →
Crucial link
By: Terence Creamer 2nd September 2022 South Africans won’t agree with all the analysis and recommendations contained in the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development’s... →
OECD report links South Africa’s falling productivity to insufficient infrastructure investment ![](
By: Terence Creamer 25th August 2022 The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is forecasting that South Africa’s growth will slow to 1.8% in 2022 and dip to... →
WCED innovates with data-driven systems
17th August 2022 Yesterday, the Western Cape Education Department (WCED) briefed the Standing Committee on how it collects and uses data through its Central... →
Fourth industrial revolution: President Ramaphosa’s jobs, skills and digitaliSAtion imperative boosted by SA’s largest non-profit for SMMEs
3rd August 2022 Today we announce that South Africa’s largest non-profit organisation supporting SMMEs, COBRA, is integrating with the BUSA-founded SAtion... →
The digitalisation of social protection before and since the onset of Covid-19: Opportunities, challenges and lessons
24th June 2022 This paper discusses the main opportunities and challenges associated with digital social protection, drawing on trends pre-Covid and since the... →
GDRT in collaboration with CSIR launch the PotholeFixGP app for Gauteng motorists
23rd June 2022 The recently launched PotholeFixGP mobile application (app) has already recorded 4 861 downloads on the Google Play Store, with 1547 potholes... →
Seshego gets a digital hub to empower young enterpreneurs
15th June 2022 The Department of Trade, Industry and Competition (the dtic) is in the process of establishing a digital hub in the Seshego Industrial Park as part... →