Zuma was aware of Gupta ‘state capture’ transactions, says Maimane

15th November 2016 By: African News Agency

Zuma was aware of Gupta ‘state capture’ transactions, says Maimane

DA leader Mmusi Maimane
Photo by: Duane Daws

Democratic Alliance (DA) leader Mmusi Maimane on Tuesday made good on his promise by laying criminal charges against President Jacob Zuma, accusing him of misleading Parliament about his interview with the former Public Protector into allegations of “state capture”.

Maimane said the DA felt compelled to lay criminal charges against individuals implicated in the “State of Capture” report since the party was one of the complainants that had asked the Public Protector to investigate the allegations.

He said they had requested that the police also investigate possible wrongdoing on behalf of amongst others, the board members of Eskom, Ministers Des van Rooyen and Mosebenzi Zwane, businessmen Salim Essa, and Duduzane Zuma.

Maimane alleged that Zuma had violated the Executive Ethics Code by allowing the Gupta family to interfere with his constitutional duties in appointing cabinet ministers, and that he had violated the Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act by not reporting corruption when he was aware.

“The president was very aware of the transactions that were taking place with the Guptas and certainly in his instructions given to the former director of government communications that funds must be deviated and advertising must be given to the New Age newspaper. That in our view is a case of inducement,” Maimane said.

“We contend that the State of Capture report by former Public Protector, Advocate Thuli Madonsela, provides extensive prima facie evidence of corruption, undue influence and interference by President Zuma, members of the Gupta family and other actors – all to further their own personal interests at the expense of the South African people.”

Maimane opened the case at the Rosebank police station in Johannesburg “because it’s the closest to Saxonwold, the scene of the crime”, where the Gupta family compound is located.

He said the police would now launch an investigation into these criminal charges.

“Priority Crimes Unit must now take its own full action. The police station here will compile the affidavit and the docket so that it is handled by provincial police,” Maimane said.

“These are serious charges and we cannot exempt anyone because of the political office they hold. We maintain that these charges are not exhaustive.”

Maimane said the Judicial Commission of Inquiry into the “State of Capture” report would be a “separate matter” and won’t interfere with the DA’s criminal charges against Zuma.