YCLSA: YCLSA Statement on Dysfunctional NYDA Fezile Dabi District Offices

15th March 2019

YCLSA: YCLSA Statement on Dysfunctional NYDA Fezile Dabi District Offices

The Young Communist League of South Africa [uFasimba] Josie Mpama district (Fezile Dabi Region) have learned with great disappointment the dismal failure of NYDA to once again keep to one of its many promises made to young people. On the 14th of December 2018 young people from Tweeling gathered in jubilation to celebrate the official opening of NYDA District offices. Present at this gathering was the NYDA Executive Chairman Sfiso Mtsweni, advisor to the Premier Cde Tswelopele and most importantly the Premier Ntombela and MEC Dora Kozee.

These offices were said to be a milestone achievement as they presented an opportunity for the youth around Tweeling and Fezile Dabi district to be directly involved in governance. Furthermore these offices would deal critically with skill deficits, lack of access to information and most importantly poverty and unemployment.

Three months down the line the offices are dysfunctional with no sign of improvement or progress. We are disappointed that this promise is but one of the many references of how NYDA is seriously suffering from amnesia. As the district we are concerned of the location of these offices as we believe they are not accessible to most young people in Fezile Dabi Region. The offices are located at a town that is not strategically central and therefore accommodative to most of the beneficiaries it seeks to attract. We would like to submit it to the NYDA to reconsider the location of these important office.

We call on the NYDA to take young people serious and stop dillydallying and crushing dreams and expectations of young people with empty promises. The failure of the NYDA to deliver to its promises is calamitous and catastrophic to the poor and the working class. This is not a matter that should be taken light, more especially in a society where the youth are engulfed by unemployment, poverty and skill deficit.

As the YCLSA Josie Mpama district we will continue agitating for a functional and effective NYDA. This is important because we can’t deal effectively with many challenges facing the youth with the current ideologically bankrupt institution, the NYDA was made purposefully to assist young people. We therefore cannot allow anything that is  counter revolutionary to find expression.

We would like to call on the office of the Honorable Premier Mme Ntombela to assist in this very important matter.

Issued by YCLSA Josie Mpama District