Western Cape speaker rejects ActionSA's request for probe into cost of Winde's 'exorbitant' US trip

12th October 2023 By: News24Wire

 Western Cape speaker rejects ActionSA's request for probe into cost of Winde's 'exorbitant' US trip

Western Cape Premier Alan Winde

The speaker of the Western Cape legislature, Daylin Mitchell, has shot down ActionSA's request for an ethics committee probe into costs Premier Alan Winde incurred on his recent trip to the US. 

In June, Winde led a provincial government and Wesgro delegation to the US with the aim of promoting the province as a trade and investment destination.

Topping the agenda was assuring the US government that the province is committed to the African Growth and Opportunity Act (Agoa), which gives eligible African countries privileged access to the lucrative US market.

The visit was undertaken amid growing strain over South Africa's relationship with Russia and the threat of losing the Agoa benefit.

On Wednesday, ActionSA's provincial chairperson, Michelle Wasserman, wrote to Mitchell to say the premier indicated that R1.6-million was spent on the trip, including R535 885 on hotels, R140 318.78 for food and beverages, and R454 183.78 on airfare.

"These exorbitant amounts warrant scrutiny," read the letter, which News24 has seen.

She added, "It is disheartening to note that the misuse of public funds has become a recurring theme among political office bearers in the Western Cape government, and the lack of response from your office is equally frustrating."

Asked whether the speaker's office would refer the matter to the ethics committee, Mitchell said a blunt "no".

"The Western Cape Provincial Parliament has strong oversight mechanisms, which are empowered by the relevant prescripts, to conduct oversight over the work of the provincial executive," he said.

Winde's spokesperson, Regan Thaw, told News24: "We have dealt with this matter in full and transparently in the Western Cape legislature."