Watch your back at Luthuli House, Mr President – FW de Klerk Foundation warns

30th May 2019 By: News24Wire

Watch your back at Luthuli House, Mr President – FW de Klerk Foundation warns

President Cyril Ramaphosa

As political parties and civil society react to President Cyril Ramaphosa's reconfigured Cabinet, the FW de Klerk Foundation has warned him to watch his back, particularly at the African National Congress's (ANC's) headquarters, Luthuli House.

"This is a good start," the foundation said, before issuing a caveat: "But if we may be bold enough to point out the obvious: watch your back with regard to Luthuli House."

The foundation said Ramaphosa, who has shown himself to be on a path of reform, should be wary of those who were not considered clean or good enough for the Cabinet.

Ramaphosa announced his new Cabinet of 28 members on Wednesday night at the Union Buildings in Pretoria. He said that in reconfiguring his Cabinet down from 36 ministries, he was guided by the need to build a modern developmental State that has the means to drive economic and social transformation.

While some old heads, including Gwede Mantashe (Mineral Resources and Energy), Dr Naledi Pandor (International Relations) and Tito Mboweni (Finance) among others have been retained, new entrants include Ronald Lamola (Justice and Correctional Services), Barbara Creecy (Environment, Forestry and Fisheries) and the biggest plot twist – GOOD party leader Patricia de Lille (Public Works and Infrastructure).

Danger in future

The foundation said any push-back that Ramaphosa may face will not be immediate, but when party conferences edge closer.

"The danger does not necessarily lie in the immediate future, but when the next provincial party structures are decided, and lists are drawn up.

"Ensure that your work in government in the interests of all South Africans is not white-anted by those with a narrow and selfish agenda at Luthuli House," the foundation urged him.

"We congratulate all newly appointed minsters and deputy ministers and wish them strength and wisdom. As the chairman of the Cabinet has indicated, they have a tremendous task to re-install an efficient and transparent government."