Urgent intervention needed over appalling roads in Hoedspruit

18th January 2024

The DA calls on MEC for Public Works, Roads and infrastructure, Nkakareng Rakgaole, to urgently address the terrible state of the R530, R527 and the D21 roads in the Hoedspruit area.

These roads are used by residents from the surrounding areas for their daily commute and they are also key to the major economic activities of the town. They are used by tourists visiting the game reserves, farmers transporting produce, and large haulage trucks moving goods to and from the mines.

The R530 and R527 roads have been poorly maintained and are riddled with large potholes that have the potential to cause serious accidents, especially during rainy weather when visibility is low. These roads are further damaged by the additional pressure caused by large haulage trucks from the mines due to the collapsed railway infrastructure in the area.

The D21 road that goes through to Sekororo and Trichardtsdal is by far one of the worst roads in the Maruleng municipal area. The road is riddled with large potholes, road shoulders are non-existent and the tar at the edges of the road is breaking up. There are no road warning signs for the presence of animals on the road and thus poses a real danger to motorists. This road is an important connection between the Oaks and Sekororo / Trichardtsdal, and serves all the villages in between.

The Eastgate Airport road had also gone unmaintained for years despite its great economic significance in the area, as it leads from the airport to many exclusive game lodges that attract tourists, create employment as well as provide economic activity for businesses in Hoedspruit. After much pressure from the community and the DA representative in the Provincial Legislature, Risham Maharaj, it was rebuilt and is now in a good condition.

We have previously written to Rakgoale about the poor state of these major roads in Hoedspruit and the threat it poses to road users, accessibility of services for residents and economic activity in the area.

Rakgaole must prioritise maintenance of these roads because of their economic significance to the area and ensure that these roads are included in “Operation Thiba Mekoti Ditseleng”.

The DA cares about the safety of road users and is committed to ensuring the provision of a safe, adequate provincial road infrastructure network that supports economic development and job creation for the people of Limpopo.


Issued by Marie Helm - DA Limpopo Deputy Leader