Uncovering unaccounted funds: DA demands transparency and action in Mangaung

23rd October 2023

Uncovering unaccounted funds: DA demands transparency and action in Mangaung

In the wake of deteriorating service delivery in the Mangaung Metropolitan Municipality, the Democratic Alliance (DA) is deeply concerned about the mismanagement of funds, hindering essential services to our communities.

Botshabelo and Thaba Nchu residents, active participants in IDP sessions, have consistently urged for the eradication of pit latrine toilets. Regrettably, their pleas have fallen on deaf ears, and this dire situation persists. Illegal dumping spots have multiplied, exacerbating the refuse removal crisis in the metro.

During the Special Council meeting on 1st September 2023, Executive Mayor Gregory Nthatisi presented the report on the implementation of the Supply Chain Management Policy for the 2022/23 financial year. The DA, however, raised pertinent questions regarding irregularities in the report, particularly concerning a single company receiving over R5.19 million for undisclosed maintenance equipment six times between September 2022 and May 2023. Additionally, the same company was paid R4.6 million for refuse removal, raising concerns about transparency and fair competition in Mangaung's service providers.

These irregularities have real consequences for our community. The funds misused by the municipality could have been channelled towards building new sewage infrastructure in Thaba Nchu and Botshabelo, thereby eliminating pit latrine toilets permanently. Instead, the lack of financial prudence has perpetuated this health hazard.

We call upon the Mangaung Metropolitan Municipality to conduct a thorough investigation into the irregularities highlighted and take immediate corrective action. The DA will collaborate with relevant authorities to ensure transparency, accountability, and efficient service delivery to our communities.

The DA is committed to fighting against corruption that hampers service delivery in Mangaung. We will meticulously analyse the report, shedding light on all irregularities discovered. We urge the residents of Mangaung to unite, stand against corruption, and vote out the ANC and their corrupt practices. The DA remains steadfast in prioritizing people and delivering services to all.


Issued by Kabelo Moreeng - DA Councillor Mangaung Metropolitan Municipality