UDM welcomes Mbeki, Ramaphosa endorsements on proposed National Dialogue

3rd May 2024 By: Thabi Shomolekae - Creamer Media Senior Writer

UDM welcomes Mbeki, Ramaphosa endorsements on proposed National Dialogue

President Cyril Ramaphosa and former President Thabo Mbeki

The United Democratic Movement (UDM) has welcomed former President Thabo Mbeki and President Cyril Ramaphosa’s support for the party’s proposal for a National Dialogue, aimed at comprehensively addressing South Africa's challenges.

UDM leader Bantu Holomisa said his party had been championing the concept of a national indaba for years, advocating consistently for a National Convention similar in scale to the Convention for a Democratic South Africa.

This has been a central campaign focus for the party, he added.

“It is good that the UDM’s ideas are endorsed at this level, and we welcome it,” said Holomisa.

He explained that the UDM's proposed National Convention for South Africa should span at least 18 months, engaging a diverse array of stakeholders such as government, political parties, academics, business bodies, faith-based leaders, labour unions, nongovernmental organisations, traditional leaders, and others.

“We believe that no single party possesses all the solutions needed to comprehensively address South Africa's challenges. A national dialogue involving all stakeholders is essential to garner nationwide support and achieve consensus through compromise and collaboration,” he said.

Holomisa said this Convention should be facilitated by an independent body or organisation, rather than by the government or a political party.

He noted that this would ensure neutrality and foster trust among all participants.

He said the party would wait to hear from Ramaphosa as to what the next steps were to implement this concept.