UDM urges Zondo to convene urgent dialogue among parties represented in Parly

7th June 2024 By: Thabi Shomolekae - Creamer Media Senior Writer

UDM urges Zondo to convene urgent dialogue among parties represented in Parly

Chief Justice Raymond Zondo

United Democratic Movement (UDM) leader Bantu Holomisa has requested an urgent meeting with Chief Justice Raymond Zondo, as parties negotiate the formation of a government of national unity.

African National Congress (ANC) leader Cyril Ramaphosa announced on Thursday that the ANC would invite other political parties to form a national unity government, after it lost its outright majority in the May 29 national and provincial elections.

In a letter addressed to Zondo, Holomisa noted that “given the new terrain” where no one party has an outright mandate to form a government, it is imperative that a critical meeting be convened.

“…this meeting must serve as a platform for fostering a transparent collaborative agenda for South Africa. With the landscape of governance evolving, characterised by shifting alliances and the absence of a clear majority, it is essential to establish a framework for inclusive decision-making,” he said.

He explained that given the importance of this matter, the UDM believed it was imperative that all leaders of political parties represented in Parliament discuss the agenda of government, particularly as it pertains to the envisaged seventh administration.

Holomisa noted that based on the outcomes of the election, the process could not be left to only one party to lead and convene, and said there had to be a collection of many stakeholders in collaboration.

He said in light of the gravity of the situation and the need for “urgent and inclusive” dialogue, parties respectfully request Zondo’s facilitation in convening a meeting between all leaders of political parties represented in Parliament.

“…we believe that your esteemed office, as the custodian of the Constitution and the guardian of our democracy, is best placed to oversee such a crucial gathering,” Holomisa wrote to Zondo.

Holomisa highlighted that the purpose of the meeting wouldl be to engage in constructive dialogue and deliberation on the proposed government of national unity and the agenda of government for the next five years.

“We kindly request that you prioritise this matter and expedite the scheduling of the meeting at your earliest convenience. We are prepared to make ourselves available at a time and place of your choosing,” said Holomisa.

He noted that parties were committed to working together in the best interests of all South Africans and believed that a collaborative approach was essential in addressing the many challenges facing the nation.