Tokologo is in dire need of economic development

10th November 2023

The small municipality of Tokologo on the west side of the Free State is surrounded by 1,480 productive farms in both crop production and livestock. However, the economy of the three small towns Boshof, Hertzogville, and Dealesville has shown no growth in the past 12 years, according to Stats SA.

There is a growing need to attract investors in the Agricultural and Processing Sector to provide much-needed jobs to the soon-to-be ghost towns. The municipality needs to bring together industry experts with the objective of developing mechanisms to attract new investment. This move could ensure healthy growth in the municipality and bring renewed hope to the disillusioned youth that has given up on all possibilities of ever finding employment.

With a population size of 29,455 residents, Tokologo has an economically active population of just above 18,000 residents between the ages of 15 and 64. With unemployment at 36,7%, and more than 2,145 residents having no formal schooling, the prospects of finding employment in this municipal area are next to none. The community fights for CWP jobs and learner-ships reserved for ANC-aligned comrades.

This is a critical time for the Municipality to work with the Private Sector and non-governmental sector partners collectively to create better conditions for economic growth and employment generation. The objective is to build economic capacity of the area to improve its economic future and the quality of life for all.

The DA is committed to creating a competitive, sustainable, diverse, innovation-driven, and inclusive local economy in Tokologo that will be vibrant for the places where we live, invest, and work. There is a need to maximize local opportunities brought by agriculture, address local needs for jobs, and contribute to overall national development objectives, including sustainable ways of utilizing local resources and expanding learning capabilities towards getting things done. To bring change across the country we urge all residents to register to vote in the 2024 National and Provincial Government elections.


Issued by Hismajesty Maqhubu - DA Councillor Tokologo Local Municipality