The State vs Jacob Zuma & Another

16th February 2022

The State vs Jacob Zuma & Another

The application for leave to appeal and all related applications, which include the application to adduce further evidence on appeal in terms of section 316(5)(a) of the Criminal Procedure Act 1977, the application for leave to appeal to the Supreme Court of Appeal on the grounds of section 317 of the Criminal Procedure Act 1977 and/or for a special entry of an irregularity or illegality to be made on the record, and the application for leave to appeal to the Supreme Court of Appeal on the grounds of section 319 of the Criminal Procedure Act 1977 and/or for the reservation of questions of law for consideration by the SCA, are all dismissed.

The criminal trial shall proceed during the second and third terms of the 2022 court calendar of this court, where it has been set down, as previously agreed by all the parties, commencing at 10h00 on 11 April 2022, being the date to which the trial was adjourned on 26 October 2021.