The ANC in KZN has accepted Cde Kwazi Mshengu's resignation as an MPL as he will focus on pupillage

15th February 2023

The ANC in KZN has accepted Cde Kwazi Mshengu's resignation as an MPL as he will focus on pupillage

Kwazi Mshengu

Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme House: The ANC in KwaZulu-Natal has accepted Cde Kwazi Mshengu's resignation as a Member of Parliament in the KZN Legislature. As an academic armed with LLB and Masters in Law, he has taken a decision to dedicate 100% of his time focusing on practical courtcraft.

As he starts the new chapter in his life, we are confident that Cde Kwazi Mshengu will  emulate those late heroes and hereones  of our struggle such as Griffiths and Victoria Mxenge who dedicated their lives using justice to drive political and socio-economic transformation.

As the ANC we fully acknowledge the fact that the goals of access to justice have not yet been fully attained since we attained democracy in 1994.

Under a democratic government we expect lawyers to perform the role of being watchdogs of democracy and should always be vigilant in the matters concerning the rule of law as guaranteed by the Constitution.

Importantly, we have confidence that Cde Kwazi Mshengu will ensure equal access to justice for the poor.

We have a responsibility to use this noble profession to rescue ordinary members of society from grinding poverty.

Lawyers are described as officers of Court. Their larger duty, however, is towards the society as a whole. Justice Fortas emphasized on this aspect in the following words:

“A Lawyer is not merely a craftsman, or even an artist. He has a special role in our society."

"He is a professional especially ordained to perform at the crisis time of the life of other people, and almost daily, to make moral judgments of great sensitivity."

"He is an important hand at the wheels of our economy and of course as the custodian of the flaming world of individual and professional liberty, as well as of the public order”.

Cde Kwazi Mshengu has served the people of this province in various capacities - but notable as the MEC for Education under the leadership of the former Premier Sihle Zikalala.

When he assumed his responsibilities as the MEC for Education in 2019 he understood that our education system was the work in progress which required the people of this province to put their shoulders to the wheel.

Without any shadow of doubt, this province has achieved good matric results throughout the intervening years because of his hard work. He ensured the co-operation among various stakeholders behind a common goal of achieving quality education.

Cde Kwazi Mshengu is credited for achieving the following:-


●Empowerment of parents and communities to understand educational needs of learners in the nearby schools;

●Advocating for learner-educator and parent partnerships in order to bridge the gap that exists;

●Advocating for a crime free school environment;

●Championing the roll-out of excellent education infrastructure across all corners of the province;

● There are many schools in rural areas and townships that boasts cutting edge technology, science laboratories and modern libraries. 

He has indeed left behind a catalogue of achievements and a solid foundation upon which the ANC-government will continuously build.

Our focus as the ANC in KZN moving forward is on the acquisition of skills and knowledge to enable the youth to be self sufficient and nation builders.

We want future leaders who will occupy different sectors of our economy as creaters of wealth for future generations especially those who were marginalized for years.

On behalf of the ANC in this province and all structures of the movement, we wish him all the best in the future.


Issued by the African National Congress in KwaZulu-Natal