Suspended SAA CEO heads for disciplinary process over allegations

20th February 2015 By: Natasha Odendaal - Creamer Media Senior Deputy Editor

Suspended SAA CEO heads for disciplinary process over allegations

Suspended SAA CEO Monwabisi Kalawe
Photo by: Duane Daws

Suspended South African Airways (SAA) CEO Monwabisi Kalawe is set to face a formal disciplinary enquiry following the findings of an investigation into allegations of serious misconduct.

The SAA board on Friday announced that a disciplinary enquiry process, facilitated by independent external chairperson Advocate Nazeer Cassim, would convene “in due course” with both SAA and Kalawe to have legal representation.

Kalawe was suspended in October following allegations of misconduct relating to noncompliance with various critical policies and procedures and legislation. These included the Public Finance Management Act and the national carrier’s supply chain management, job evaluation, recruitment and selection and delegation of authority policies.

Further, he stood accused of undisclosed gross misrepresentation to Public Enterprises Minister Lynne Brown and failing to act “at all times in the best interests” of SAA, besides others.

“These remain allegations and whether Kalawe is, in fact, guilty and what penalty may be imposed, if any, will be determined by the chairperson of the hearing [Cassim] after considering all the evidence presented by the parties,” the parastatal said in a statement on Friday.

The investigation was led by Edward Nathan Sonnenbergs Forensics and overseen by a subcommittee of SAA’s board.