SADTU GP: SACP Gauteng congratulates ANC Provincial Government for prompt and swift action on recent floods

15th November 2016

SADTU GP: SACP Gauteng congratulates ANC Provincial Government for prompt and swift action on recent floods

The South African Communist Party Gauteng Province congratulates and thanks the ANC led provincial government for a decisive and prompt activism to alleviate the plight of the working class and the poor following the devastating effects of the recent wave of floods in our province.

The SACP appreciates the speedy and swift response from the provincial government, demonstrating beyond doubt that even under extreme difficulties, the working class is safe under an ANC provincial government.

Whilst the ANC provincial government, led by Premier David Makhura has been visible and in action on the ground, we are shocked by the sheer absence of DA leaders, especially in the Cities of Johannesburg and Tshwane.

We are convinced that the floods have exposed the reality and fact that DA politicians including the Executive Mayors are not interested in improving the living conditions of the working class and not present amongst the people.

Their absence from the ground and the fact that they are missing in action is clear proof of the reactionary and right-wing outlook of these forces of counter-revolution.

We are confident that the working class, especially those in DA-EFF controlled municipalities, can take solace in the activist character of the ANC provincial government.

We strongly condemn the EFF for selling out the working class to the right-wing, conservative and reactionary DA, a party of the bourgeoisie and monopoly capital.

We are convinced that the current exposure of the working class in DA controlled municipalities is a result of the EFF’s direct selling-out of the working class to the highest bidder, the DA. It is now even clearer than ever before that the working class in DA controlled municipalities is literally on its own.

We call on our structures and branches to visit and pledge solidarity with the working class and the poor during this very difficult and trying times.

Issued by the SACP Gauteng province