SACP urges rapid action by UN to reverse Israeli occupation of Palestine

22nd July 2024 By: Thabi Shomolekae - Creamer Media Senior Writer

SACP urges rapid action by UN to reverse Israeli occupation of Palestine

SACP General Secretary Solly Mapaila

The South African Communist Party (SACP) has called on the UN to reverse the “apartheid settler state’s occupation of Palestine” and stop its genocide of Palestinian people.

Last week the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ruled that Israel’s continued presence in the occupied Palestinian territory was unlawful and should come to an end “as rapidly as possible”.

“We call on the United Nations to take immediate practical decisive measures to reverse the apartheid Israeli settler state occupation of Palestine, hold its leaders to account and stop its ongoing genocide on Palestinian people”, said SACP General Secretary Solly Mapaila.

He highlighted that the ICJ further stated that Israel’s illegality related to the entirety of the Palestinian territory occupied by Israel since 1967.

“In these territories, the ICJ pronounced further, Israel has imposed policies and practices to fragment and frustrate the ability of the Palestinian people to exercise their right to self-determination, and over large swathes has unjustifiably extended Israeli sovereignty in violation of international law,” he said.

The ICJ declared that Israel was under an obligation to end its unlawful presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory as rapidly as possible, cease immediately all new settlement activities, and evacuate all Israeli settlers from the Occupied Palestinian Territory.

The SACP called for continued working-class unity and activism, as well as practical action to pressurise Israel and support the Boycott, Divest and Sanctions campaign.

“This campaign should be intensified to boycott all Israeli-produced goods and services and to sever international trade and investment ties with the apartheid settler state,” Mapaila said.

Minister of International Relations and Cooperation Ronald Lamola said that the ruling by the ICJ affirmed South Africa’s long-standing position that the occupation by Israel of Palestinian territory remained unlawful under international law.

“The international community must act to bring an immediate end to the occupation and the gross violations of international humanitarian and human rights law being perpetrated by Israel against the Palestinian people,” he said.

Lamola noted that there was now an additional legal obligation for all States to end complicity in Israel’s illegal actions and to act to ensure respect for international law.

“This finding of the Court reaffirms that the Israeli government is guilty of practicing the crime of Apartheid as the court put it,” he added.

The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) noted that the ICJ advisory opinion underscored the importance of upholding international law and respecting the rights of all parties involved.

“The recognition of the obstruction to the Palestinian people’s rights to self-determination sheds light on the complexities of the situation and highlights the need for a peaceful resolution,” it said.

The party highlighted that the opinion also served as a call to action for the international community to work towards a just and lasting solution that respect of the rights and aspirations of Palestinians.

It signals the need for dialogue, cooperation and respect for international norms to achieve peace and stability in the region, the EFF added.