Sacp: Sacp calls for decisive action to get to the bottom of Arthur Fraser’s conduct

16th April 2018

Sacp: Sacp calls for decisive action to get to the bottom of Arthur Fraser’s conduct

The South African Communist Party strongly condemns what appear to be abuse of power and unlawful conduct by Arthur Fraser, the director-general of the State Security Agency (SSA). Fraser’s attempt at frustrating the inspector-general of intelligence (IGI),

Setlhomamaru Dintwe, seems to be an act of desperation and sabotage. It could as well be possible proof of abuse of intelligence services for factional purposes as part of the wider corporate state capture agenda that the SACP was the first to expose.

Fraser’s conduct clearly comes across as aimed at forcing an abortion of the IGI’s investigations into corruption and abuse of intelligence services at the SSA. The IGI has made it clear that Fraser is implicated in the allegations being investigated. As South Africans we should not delink Fraser’s conduct from attempts at frustrating the IGI’s work.

The SACP wants the IGI to carry out his work without fear, favour or interference by any person. The Party is therefore calling for decisive action by relevant authorities to get to the bottom of Fraser’s conduct and what actually he could be trying to conceal by handicapping the IGI’s work.

The Party has a direct interest in efficient and professional state security services. It is common knowledge that the SACP has, for a while now, laid complaints to the IGI about rogue intelligence operations directed not only at the Party’s leadership but other South Africans who became outspoken against corporate state capture.   


Issued by Sacp