SACP GP: SACP GP shocked that almost a week gone by without DA controlled City of Tshwane acting against EFF looters

4th November 2016

SACP GP: SACP GP shocked that almost a week gone by without DA controlled City of Tshwane acting against EFF looters

Photo by: Reuters

The South African Communist Party in Gauteng Province challenges the DA controlled City of Tshwane to be consistent on its treatment of protesters in the City. A week is almost coming to an end since the EFF trashed and looted shops in the City of Tshwane without any serious action by the DA.

We are shocked by the blatant discrimination and unfair treatment by the DA where more often it only acts against protest marches led by the revolutionary and progressive organisations belonging to the ANC-led Alliance.

We are now vindicated that the DA's dismal failure to act against the EFF's trashing and looting of the City constitutes a serious set-back for the people of the City, especially the working class and poor. This is clear from the DA's hypocrisy and double standards when it comes to protest action in the City.

We are convinced that this selective failure by the DA to act against its ruling partner's chaos and anarchy puts the DA in a fix and conundrum about its attitude and posture towards future protests in the City. This disastrous failure by the DA to act consistently against EFF seems to suggest a new policy on future protests, that where it suit DA's interests, the City may be trashed, vandalised and looted without any action by the DA.

We will watch how moving forward the DA will treat various protests in the City following its opportunistic and selective treatment of protest marches in the City.

We are further vindicated that the DA-EFF ruling coalition is a concoction that is unsustainable and will soon implode. We are convinced that the EFF's anarchy in the City simply took advantage of and cashed in on the fact that the EFF now has power in City and the DA will find it difficult to say or do anything serious about its conduct.

We have no doubt that the EFF's trashing of the City was a well calculated move to assert its power in the City and the DA's failure to act decisively bears testimony to this fact.

We believe that by turning a blind eye to acts of violence and looting that was carried by the EFF in Tshwane, the DA is feeling the first cracks to its incumbency in the Capital City.

As predicted in our post-elections reflections, one of the two parties will finally have to liquidate and prevail over the other, and that time if fast approaching.


Issued by SACP Gauteng province