SACCI: SACCI's response to the Presidents decision on the Finance Portfolio

10th December 2015

SACCI: SACCI's response to the Presidents decision on the Finance Portfolio

Nhlanhla Nene
Photo by: Duane Daws

The South African Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SACCI) notes with concern President Zuma’s removal of Finance Minister, Nene. Mr Nene had begun to find his feet after 18 months in the post and brought with him a number of years’ experience as Deputy Finance Minister.

For SACCI and the business community at large, the consistency of our macro-economic policy environment is of paramount importance for trade and investment. Any major decisions which have a material impact on creating confidence must be weighed up carefully.

Whilst Mr Van Rooyen is new in his role and his experience and capabilities are unproven, we hope the President and his cabinet will be cognisant of this fact and give this area of macro-economic policy stability a high level of support.

As an important and key stakeholder, we are looking forward to the President sharing the motivation for this decision with the business community as a matter of priority.


Issued by The South African Chamber of Commerce and Industry