SACCAWU granted petition for leave to appeal the whole judgment which saw 335 of its members dismissed at Game Stores

18th November 2021

The South African Commercial Catering and Allied Workers (SACCAWU) has been given an opportunity to appeal a judgment by the Labour Court which saw 335 of its members dismissed by Game Stores. The dismissal of these workers was purported to be bad advice by the union when it advised its members not to accept less favourable offers of alternative employment as opposed to retrenchments. This happens in the midst of the current section 189 dispute with the Massmart Group.

SACCAWU contends that it has a case to put before the Labour Appeal Court as it has the duty to advise its members not to accept unreasonable offers of alternative employment that cannot be justified by the company. The company’s restructuring should not be an excuse for retrenching workers at a time when the Covid 19 pandemic has increased the pool of unemployed in the country. The company has been reported to have done well during the current financial year and has no reason to retrench workers.

Furthermore the restructuring (New Store Model) is the more reason the company need to re-skill or up skill its workers instead of rendering them redundant. This company tramples upon social justice and treats workers as commodities that are used and tossed away as if they are not humans. Workers are human beings whose livelihood and dignity depends on the work that they tender to this company.

SACCAWU will fight tooth and nail to ensure that our members are reinstated with the same benefits and working conditions.


Issued by SACCAWU