SA: Statement by Solidarity, trade union, Solidarity welcomes final Seifsa offer (22/07/2014)

22nd July 2014 By: Motshabi Hoaeane

SA: Statement by Solidarity, trade union, Solidarity welcomes final Seifsa offer (22/07/2014)

Solidarity today welcomed the final wage offer of the Steel and Engineering Industries Federation of South Africa (Seifsa). The latest wage offer comprises a three-year wage agreement of between 8% and 10% for employees at different wage rates.
According to Marius Croucamp, head of the Metal and Engineering Sector at Solidarity, it is hoped that the final wage offer will put an end to three-week-long strike in the industry. “We think that Seifsa’s latest offer is fair and we are convinced that our members will also welcome it,” Croucamp said.
Croucamp added that the National Employers Organisation of South Africa (Neasa) has offered a final wage increase of 8% across the board. “This offer is favourable as it is higher than the current rate of inflation. We are positive that our members will also see it in this light,” Croucamp said.
Croucamp said it would be in the industry’s best interests for trade unions to accept the final offer and for operations to commence as soon as possible.