SA: Scopa request SASSA to submit detailed social grant payment strategic plan

16th May 2017

SA: Scopa request SASSA to submit detailed social grant payment strategic plan

The Standing Committee on Public Accounts (Scopa) has requested Sassa to submit a detailed social grant payment strategic plan in two weeks' time. Scopa has also requested that, once Sassa has provided the Constitutional Court with its submission on 17 June 2017, it immediately supply Scopa with a copy of the submission.

Scopa has also requested Sassa to furnish the Committee with the legal opinion that advised the Department to oppose the court case in the North Gauteng High Court launched by Corruption Watch about the irregular expenditure of R316m on the re-registration of grants beneficiaries by CPS. Scopa has also requested a second legal opinion that resulted in Sassa withdrawing the opposition of this matter in court.

Scopa is happy with the interaction between Sassa and the South African Post Office (Sapo) with the view of engaging Sapo as a possible service provider for the new contract, which is what Scopa has always preferred.


Issued by Parliamentary Communication Services on behalf of the Chairperson of Scopa, Themba Godi