SA: Parliament on situation in Zimbabwe

16th November 2017

SA: Parliament on situation in Zimbabwe

Photo by: Reuters

Parliament’s Presiding Officers, on behalf of the National Legislature, welcome the swiftly undertaken efforts by the South African government and the Southern African Development Community (SADC) regarding the unfolding situation in Zimbabwe. These efforts have included meetings with all affected parties in Zimbabwe itself. 

Our links with Zimbabwe go back to before 1994, during the many years of the struggle for freedom in Southern Africa when we fought side by side against colonial and racial oppression. Since our first non-racial, democratic elections in 1994, which ushered in a new era of constitutional democracy for our country, we have worked closely at fostering development and cooperation between our Parliament and other Parliaments in the SADC Parliamentary Forum.  

We trust that current issues facing the people of Zimbabwe are resolved in a manner which does not undermine but rather supports ongoing regional cooperation and economic development initiatives.  


Issued by Parliament of South Africa