SA: Mineral Resources Committee supports in principle DMR, quest for funding from National Treasury for its IES project

30th January 2018

SA: Mineral Resources Committee supports in principle DMR, quest for funding from National Treasury for its IES project

The Portfolio Committee on Mineral Resources, in principle, supports the Department of Mineral Resources (DMR) in its bid to secure funding from the National Treasury to implement the Integrated Electronic System (IES) project, but requested more information. 

“Once completed, the project will improve transparency on the rights to mineral resources and access for all South Africans. The department ought to solicit the Committee’s input into its motivation for funding before sending to Treasury,” said Mr Sahlulele Luzipo, the Chairperson of the Committee.

The project will be completed in phases over the next five years at a cost of R112 million.

Having met with the DMR as part of its five-day oversight visit to Gauteng, the Committee was briefed on the integration of the department’s electronic systems. It was also briefed on the efficiency of the South African Mineral Resources Administration Database (Samrad).

The Committee raised a concern about the cost of the fee required to lodge an application for a mining licence on Samrad and accessibility for those in rural areas. Mr Luzipo said the issue of application fees required a political discussion, but the DMR should also engage sister departments about subsidising applicants.

The Committee also visited the Department of Mining Engineering at the University of Pretoria to learn about new technologies useful in curbing fatalities in the sector. The Committee also undertook to consider facilitating strategic partnerships between the university and relevant stakeholders.

Today, the Committee is visiting the Council for Geoscience’s Core Library in Donkerhoek to assess how it benefits emerging black mine developers. It will also visit the Council for Science and Industrial Research in Kloppersbos to be briefed on research into mine dust.


Issued by Parliamentary Communication Services on behalf of the Chairperson, Mr Sahlulele Luzipo