SA: Mineral Resources Committee calls for more research into mining earthquakes

25th July 2017

SA: Mineral Resources Committee calls for more research into mining earthquakes

The Chairperson of the Portfolio Committee on Mineral Resources, Mr Sahlulele Luzipo, has conveyed the Committee's condolences to the families of four mineworkers who died following an underground earthquake at the Tau Lekoa gold mine in Orkney, North West, on the weekend.

Mr Luzipo also paid tribute to the mine rescuers who retrieved the bodies and said the Committee is always aware of the huge dangers miners face daily.

There is a need to minimise risk by supporting the Council for Geoscience's research into the seismic causes of such accidents. Further research and development could assist to give prior warning before workers are affected, said Mr Luzipo.

He said that the Department of Mineral Resources should devote its full attention to conducting the enquiry into the event and in working with mine management and the unions to avoid harm coming to workers in future from such seismic events.

The Committee maintains that while economic growth and profit margins are a necessity, they should not occur at the expense of mine workers.

Issued by Parliamentary Communication Services on behalf of the Chairperson of the Portfolio Committee on Mineral Resources, Mr Sahlulele Luzipo