SA: Jacob Zuma: Address by SA President, at the 2016 Nelson Mandela Month event held at the Marhulana Primary School, Tembisa, Gauteng (20/07/2016)

20th July 2016

SA: Jacob Zuma: Address by SA President, at the 2016 Nelson Mandela Month event held at the Marhulana Primary School, Tembisa, Gauteng (20/07/2016)

SA President Jacob Zuma
Photo by: Duane Daws

Programme Director, the Gauteng MEC for Education, Mr Panyaza Lesufi,
The Premier of Gauteng, Mr David Makhura,
The Minister of Basic Education, Ms Angie Motshekga,
Excellency Ambassador Tian of the People’s Republic of China and your delegation,
The leadership of the School Governing Body, the Principal,
Asazani bonke nomphakathi,
Senior Government Officials,

Ngijabula kakhulu ukuba naninamhlanje namhlanje, njengobasigubha inyanga kaMadiba, umongameli wokuqala we-NingizimuAfrika ekhululekile.

It is lovely to meet the learners and the parents at one of the oldest schools in the country, given that it was established in 1957.

We meet here two days after the whole world, including us here in South Africa, has celebrated the International Mandela Day.

On the 18th of July, we remember Madiba for serving us, not only through spending many years in prison so that we can be free, but also for laying a firm foundation for the wonderful South Africa we live in now, as the founding President of a free and democratic South Africa.

We also remember how Madiba reached out to communities to help the needy in many ways to improve their living conditions.

Today, we chose to visit this school, to celebrate Madiba’s love and compassion for children. We are also celebrating his commitment to uplifting and improving the lives of the poor.

In that way, he inspired and the world to follow his example.

We are also celebrating Madiba’s love for education. Even in his retirement, he still worked with the private sector to get financial resources to build very good schools in underprivileged communities.

This he did so that each and every child can have the opportunity that you are having here in Marhulana, to learn and have knowledge.

Namhlanje, sigubha izinto ezimbalwa ngotata uMandela. Sigubha uthando lwakhe lwezingane, yingakho silapha namhlanje. Sigubha uthando lwakhe lwemfundo. Sibuye futhi sikhumbule uzwelo nobobubele bakhe, nokuthanda ukukhuphula izimpilo zabantu abampofu.

Sithi masikhuthale sonke sifunde kuMadiba, sense nje ngaye.

Kubantwana, sithi khuthalani nifunde. Uhulumeni nabazali bazimisele ukwenza konke ukunixhasa ukuzenifunde nibe abaholi ababalulekile kusasa, nibe odokotela, abameli, abakhandi bakagesi, abakha amapayipi amanzi, osomabhizinisi nokuningi okunye.

As we remember Madiba’s birthday today, on the 7th anniversary of the International Mandela Day, we have decided to bring you some nice gifts in his memory.

We are giving you these blankets, which can keep you warm when you study at home. You are also receiving the school bags so that your books can be safe and remain in good condition for a long time.

We also want to assure the parents that government is working hard to improve the condition of our schools, including this one, and the general conditions under which our children learn.

It is important that all of us, including parents, play our roles in this task.

I am very much encouraged that as parents you are deeply involved in this school, ensuring that the school governing body is functioning properly.

It is also impressive that the community here is actively involved in this school to support the learners.

The collaboration of various stakeholders, the religious sector, the previous learners from this school, which is now 59 years old, the district office and the parents, are all a living example that working together we achieve more.

This is very clear when you look at the school results over the last three years; they have been above 90%, except in this previous year when they fell to 86%.
We are here to encourage you to take the percentage higher again this year, and coming years.

We can only succeed if there is cooperation - teachers doing their work, parents and community supporting teachers, learners listening to their parents and teachers, government providing resources, with private companies assisting from time to time.

We thank the private sector for continuing to support, in many ways our efforts to improve this country, such as in education.

Today we are joined by the Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China and businesspeople originating from that country, who want to support education.

We look forward to further support from this community to the school.

Let me once again appeal for unity in the community when it comes to supporting our children and teachers in school. When we are united like this, our children cannot go astray.

If we stand united, we will also close the door to crime because many schools now have problems of crime, which include drugs, violence and bullying. When we are united like this, we are able to pick up the problems quickly and deal with them.
Ngicela sibambisane njengohulumeni nomphakathi, sivikele izikole zethu nabantwana bethu. Masibambisane kungabi khona udlame, izidakamizwa nokuhlukunyezwa kwezingane ezikoleni. Uhulumeni wesifundazwe nokazwelonke uzoqhubeka usebenze nomphakathi wase-Tembisa ukuze izinto zihambe kahle ezikoleni zethu zonke, njalo.

Ladies and gentlemen, today we are also celebrating that the vision Madiba started in 1994 of providing free health care and education is being taken forward.

Our government has worked hard to fulfil the vision of the Freedom Charter, which says that the doors of learning and culture shall be opened.

This is why over 80% of our schools are now no fee schools. Children of the poor can attend school without paying fees, so that each and every child can have an opportunity to go to school and receive education.

We are also aware that some of the learners from poor backgrounds used to drop out of school because of hunger.

Our government addressed this through the National School Nutrition Programme, where children receive food at schools, as it is happening in this school as well.

Abantwana bafunda mahala futhi bathola ukudla mahala ezikoleni, ngoba ubumpofu akufanele kuvimbe izingane ekutholeni imfundo.

Learners also receive textbooks, so that even those that cannot afford them, can be able to study. I am glad to hear that school books are delivered on time at Marhulani Primary school, including for the 2015/16 schooling year.

Ladies and gentlemen, despite all these achievements which have been made, the school is not perfect, it has some of the challenges that other townships schools have, that we can still work on and improve.

Among the many things that you complained about was the library, which did not have books, and the department of education has provided these books and will continue to fill the gaps when the need arise going forward.

You also complained about the vandalised computer laboratory, which is receiving attention.

Companies are coming in to provide support. Golden Bay Bedding has provided these wonderful gifts that we are distributing to the learners today. Vodacom has committed to providing furniture and we appreciate that gesture.

We expect many more contributions to pour in to improve this school, as we strengthen partnerships between government and the private sector.

Therefore I urge you learners to continue to study and take your lessons very seriously.

Government has many plans, which need educated people to make them successful, and we count on you learners to do that.

You will be successful if listen to your parents and to your teachers.

Dear learners, it is a special moment for me to share this Mandela month event with you. Let us, in remembering and honouring Madiba, continue to play our role in improving this country.

Education is the key to building a better South Africa.

I thank you!