SA: Enoch Godongwana, Address by Finance Minister, tabling his medium-term budget policy statement, Cape Town (26/10/22)

26th October 2022

SA: Enoch Godongwana, Address by Finance Minister, tabling his medium-term budget policy statement, Cape Town (26/10/22)

Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana

Honourable Speaker;
His Excellency, President Cyril Ramaphosa;
His Excellency, the Deputy President David Mabuza;
Cabinet Colleagues;
Members of Executive Councils for Finance;
Honourable Members;
The Governor of the South African Reserve Bank;
The Commissioner of the South African Revenue Service;
Fellow South Africans:
I am honoured to table the following documents before this House:
• The 2022 Division of Revenue Amendment Bill;
• The 2022 Adjustments Appropriation Bill;
• The Special Appropriation Bill;
• The 2022 Rates and Monetary Amounts and Amendment of
Revenue Laws Bill;
• The 2022 Taxation Laws Amendment Bill;
• The 2022 Tax Administration Laws Amendment Bill;
• The Revised Fiscal Framework;
• The 2022 Adjusted Estimates of National Expenditure; and
• The 2022 Medium Term Budget Policy Statement.

Madam Speaker, the strategic goal of this government is to reduce poverty, inequality and unemployment, in pursuit of a better life for all. It was former President Nelson Mandela who reminded us that; “Democracy will have little content, and indeed, will be short lived if we cannot address our socioeconomic problems within an expanding and growing economy.”

South Africa’s economy has underperformed for many years.

Several long-standing structural impediments continue to hamper growth.

These include:
• unreliable electricity supply,
• costly and inefficient ports and rail network,
• crime and corruption,
• weak state capacity, and
• high levels of market concentration and barriers to entry that suppress the
emergence and growth of small businesses.


Full Speech Attached