SA: David Makhura: Address by Gauteng Premier, during the State of the Province Address, Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University, Ga-Rankuwa, Pretoria (25/02/2020)

25th February 2020

SA: David Makhura: Address by Gauteng Premier, during the State of the Province Address, Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University, Ga-Rankuwa, Pretoria (25/02/2020)

Gauteng Premier David Makhura

Madame Speaker, Honourable Ntombi Mekgwe;

Deputy Speaker, Honourable Nomvuyo Manamela;

Chief Whip of the Governing Party;

Members of the Executive Council;

Leaders of Opposition Parties;Members of the Gauteng Legislature and National Parliament;

Executive Mayors and Speakers of Local Government;

Your Excellencies, Ambassadors and High Commissioners;

Leaders of Business, Trade Unions and the Faith-Based Sector;

Traditional Leaders, the Sport Fraternity, Women and Youth Organisations;

The Director General and Heads of Department;

Heads of Law Enforcement Agencies;

Badudi ba Gauteng:

Welcome to the 2020 State of the Province Address (SOPA).

As we meet at Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University (previously known as MEDUNSA), it is appropriate to acknowledge the contribution of this university to the transformation of the political and health sciences professional landscape of our country and continent.

To the Acting Vice-Chancellor, Professor Lekan Ayo-Yusuf and the entire university community, we want you to know that you occupy a special place in our history and our future development trajectory. I will speak more about the role of this institution when dealing with the public healthcare system. 

This year’s State of the Province Address is more than a speech. Today we are unveiling a Plan of Action to galvanise the energy and creativity of all sectors of the population to take specific actions towards realisation of the Gauteng of our dreams.

We are outlining the trajectory of radical socioeconomic change, pathways from poverty to prosperity and signposts to a society based on social solidarity.

Click here for the full speech