SA: Basic Education Portfolio Committee will refer DA concerns to Minister

5th May 2017

SA: Basic Education Portfolio Committee will refer DA concerns to Minister

Photo by: GovtZA

Parliament’s Portfolio Committee on Basic Education has received a request from the Democratic Alliance (DA) for a presentation from the Minister on school principals who have not signed performance agreements.

Committee Chairperson Ms Nomalungelo Gina said the Committee will forward the concerns of the DA to the minister to address when she attends the next scheduled meeting, as per the Committee programme. “I have responded to the DA to ask whether they have any other matters to raise with the minister so that these can also be forwarded to her and she can then prepare sufficiently,” said Ms Gina.

“Our minister always avails herself for Committee meetings and I am sure she will address all concerns as conveyed to her.”

Ms Gina said this is not the first request by members and, as Chairperson, she always gives due and fair consideration to every request.


Issued by Parliamentary Communication Services on behalf of the Acting Chairperson of the Portfolio Committee on Basic Education, Ms Nomalungelo Gina