SA: Basic Education Committee urges safe storage and disposal of medication and medical equipment

20th September 2017

SA: Basic Education Committee urges safe storage and disposal of medication and medical equipment

Photo by: Reuters

Parliament’s Portfolio Committee on Basic Education has noted with great concern that some primary school learners in Gauteng have been pricked with syringes, which has led to 28 pupils receiving urgent precautionary antiretroviral treatment.

Committee Chairperson Ms Nomalungelo Gina said it is extremely worrying that certain Grade 4 learners were injured in this way last week. “The Committee is concerned that learners managed to find these syringes. We would urge everyone to put all medication, including syringes, out of reach of children, as is clearly stated on medication packaging.

“We need to protect and educate our children against all the dangers associated with medical equipment and medical waste,” said Ms Gina.

It was reported that the syringes belonged to a member of a grade 4 learner’s family, who was using syringes for legitimate medical reasons.

The Committee further urged for the responsible disposal of medical equipment. “The Committee would like urge companies that are contracted to dispose of such used medical equipment and the community at large to do so in a safe and responsible manner. This incident could have been avoided if the necessary care was taken.”

Ms Gina further praised the Gauteng Education Department for its speedy response to the matter by ensuring that the appropriate action is taken and that learners received the urgent precautionary treatment required in order to prevent the spread of diseases. The Committee also expressed its appreciation to the School Governing Body for acting wisely and assisting all the stakeholders during this ordeal.


Issued by Parliamentary Communication Services on behalf of the Chairperson of the Portfolio Committee on Basic Education, Nomalungelo Gina