SA: Basic Committee concerned about renewed Vuwani schools shut down

6th February 2017

SA: Basic Committee concerned about renewed Vuwani schools shut down

Photo by: GovtZA

The Portfolio Committee on Basic Education on Basic Education has noted with grave concern reports of the renewal of demarcation protests and the shut-down of services in the Vuwani area of Limpopo.

Committee Chairperson Ms Nomalungelo Gina expressed the Committee’s wish for a speedy resolution to these matters, particularly as they have a spill-over effect on schooling and education in the area. “The Committee is extremely concerned. Although this protest is not about education, it spills over to school.

“We urge all relevant stakeholders to urgently intervene and resolve the matter. It cannot be allowed to continue to the extend it did last year when so many school days were lost,” said Ms Gina.

In 2016, protests over the same issue dragged on for months and saw various schools and government buildings burnt and vandalised. “This matter needs a speedy solution. We would not want a repeat of last year. Learners cannot afford to lose schooling,” Ms Gina said.


Issued by Parliamentary Communication Services on behalf of the Chairperson of the Portfolio Committee on Basic Education, Ms Nomalungelo Gina