Road Traffic Management Corporation on Mpumalanga officials arrested for R60m licensing fraud in court

7th December 2022

The criminal case against the fourteen (14) Mpumalanga licensing officials accused of illicitly assisting vehicle owners to avoid payment of vehicle license fees has been postponed to February 2023.

The officials appeared at the Mbombela magistrate court today and the case was postponed to 21 February next year.

The suspects faced 603 charges of corruption, fraud, theft, and money laundering charges relating to the scam that has cost the state more than R60 million in lost revenue.  They include former administrators who worked at the department of community of safety and liaison help desk and clerks from registering authorities in Mbombela, Mashishing, and Piet Retief. They are out on R1500 bail each.

The allegations are that they conspired with vehicle fleet owners to defraud the state by writing off vehicles license fees and arrears and accept payment of part of the applicable fees into their personal bank accounts. Motorists would then receive vehicle discs that showed that they owed nothing to the state.

The officials were nabbed in a joint operation by the National Anti-Corruption Unit of the Road Traffic Management Corporation and the Hawks. Investigations are continuing and more arrests are expected.

Members of the public are urged to join the campaign against fraud and corruption by providing information to the sends e-mail) or through the WhatsApp line 083 293 7989.


Issued by Road Traffic Management Corporation