R2K KZN will protest outside SASSA Umlazi

8th March 2017

With the nationwide crisis of grant payments, SASSA have flouted their responsibilities to the poorest and most vulnerable in the country. SASSA have gambled with the livelihoods of 17 million people! They must ensure that grants are paid on the 1st of April, and they must insource the distribution, so that there can be no more profiteering from this basic and necessary service.

SASSA's contract with CPS was declared invalid by the Constitutional Court in 2014 – and SASSA was given the time until the 1st of April 2017 to insource this service in order to eliminate the corruption, mismanagement, and the immense profiteering from CPS through the payment of grants to the most vulnerable in South Africa. Despite having three years to solve this problem, and many warnings by civil society, SASSA and Minister Bathabile Dlamini have left this to the last minute, putting the means of survival for the poorest and most vulnerable at risk.

Right2Know supports the Black Sash in their efforts in the Constitutional Court to urgently ensure that a deal with CPS is one that will not disadvantage the country and grant beneficiaries for many months to come. Their case will be heard in the Constitutional Court on the 15th of March.

Right2Know will be protesting tomorrow in Umlazi in solidarity with the Black Sash Court Case and to demand: NO SECRETS, NO LIES! SASSA must account for their delays and for their plans to ensure all grants are paid on time and fully – with no more deductions from external companies.

Where: SASSA office in Umlazi, at 200 Zwe Madlala Drive
When: Thursday 9 March, from 10h00 – 13h00

Ngazini Ngidi, R2K KZN Coordinator: 073 555 6455
Thabane Miya, R2K KZN Organiser: 0721510320
