Progress report on flood relief interventions: The MEC for Human Settlements and Public Works Jomo Sibiya commits to ensure transparency and accountability

29th April 2022

Progress report on flood relief interventions: The MEC for Human Settlements and Public Works Jomo Sibiya commits to ensure transparency and accountability

KZN MEC for Human Settlements and Public Works Jomo Sibiya

I have taken a decision to release this attached report to the members of the media and the people of KwaZulu-Natal.

The more than 11, 1 million citizens of this province are entitled to government information as declared under the Promotion of Access to Information Act Number 2 of 2000. The Act promotes public and individual access to information and transparency as pillars of a democratic society.

In addition, the King III Code of Good Corporate Governance emphasizes the importance of protecting an organisation’s reputation through effectively managing relationships with stakeholders.

In Chapter 8, the Code states that, “an organisation should proactively deal with stakeholder relationships, build, and maintain stakeholder trust and confidence using transparent and effective communication”.

Critically, the work of Communications Unit is based on the Provincial Communications Strategy and Communication strategy as developed by the Government Communications and Information System (GCIS).


Report Attached


Issued by the MEC for Human Settlements and Public Works Jomo Sibiya