Premier Lesufi misled Gauteng residents: e-tolls contract extended for another six months

27th July 2023

Premier Lesufi misled Gauteng residents: e-tolls contract extended for another six months

Gauteng Premier Panyaza Lesufi
Photo by: GovtZA

Gauteng Premier Panyaza Lesufi has misled Gauteng residents into thinking that e-Tolls have been scrapped while the contract has been extended for another six months.

This means that Gauteng motorists will continue to pay for this unwanted system until December 2023.

Gauteng residents are struggling to make ends meet due to the high cost of living, which is hitting hard on their pockets. Continuing to pay for e-Tolls will worsen the situation.

Sadly, Premier Lesufi has used e-Tolls as an electioneering tool to garner votes for next year's elections without considering the impact on people's daily lives.

Premier Lesufi has no proper plan in place to deal with this issue. He is still battling to find a financial model for the replacement of e-Tolls.

Premier Lesufi is mum about the issue instead of coming clean and engaging different stakeholders and political parties represented in the Gauteng Provincial Legislature to assist with a lasting solution for e-Tolls.

The Democratic Alliance (DA) has submitted questions to the Gauteng MEC for Roads and Transport, Kedibone Diale, to ascertain the progress in finding a financial model to service the e-Toll debt. We are eagerly awaiting the responses; however, with the way things are going, e-Tolls are here to stay.

The DA will continue utilising all mechanisms at our disposal to fight e-Tolls and any proposal impacting residents' pockets.


Issued by Fred Nel MPL - DA Gauteng Shadow MEC for Roads and Transport