POPCRU President calls on government to alleviate the burden on the working class

7th November 2023

POPCRU President calls on government to alleviate the burden on the working class

POPCRU president Dr Zizamele Cebekhulu with President Cyril Ramaphosa at the 10th POPCRU Congress

POPCRU President calls on government to alleviate the burden on the working class

6 November 2023: “Government appears indifferent to the voices of the people and receptivity appears limited to their own opinions and perspectives,” said Dr Zizamele Cebekhulu-Makhaza, President of the Police and Prisons Civil Rights Union (POPCRU), in a stern rebuke to government regarding unilateral decision-making over austerity measures implemented in recent years.

In a wide-ranging speech delivered at POPCRU’s 10th National Congress, which kicked off on Monday, 6 November 2023 at the Durban ICC in KwaZulu-Natal, Dr Cebekhulu-Makhaza encouraged government to listen to the voices of labour leaders and workers. For example, it must relinquish draconian and unsustainable austerity measures that have been implemented at the expense of citizens and the working class, he warned.

“Government issues should never burden our citizens. We fervently urge you [President Ramaphosa], in your role as the nation’s leader, to assume control of administrative matters, hold highly questionable individuals in your cabinet accountable where needed, and execute your responsibilities diligently for the betterment of all South Africans.

“We must not be asked to pay the price when people swindle money from government coffers. Ordinary South Africans should not be asked to pay the ultimate price of corruption, or for failed neo-liberal macro-economic policies.”

The Congress takes place over five days under the theme “Building a sustainable organisation in defence of collective bargaining” to position the union as a key driver of worker protection, collective bargaining, skills development, social dialogue, social protection, and the promotion of equality.

During his political overview, Dr Cebekhulu-Makhaza addressed existing and emerging challenges faced within the South African labour movement and the economic environment, and criticised government’s response for further entrenching unemployment, poverty and inequality. “We cannot keep doing more of the same and expect a different result,” he emphasised.

Instead, POPCRU has proposed six principles for a fiscal plan for South Africa to “get the wheels of the South African economy turning”. These principles include implementing stimulus rather than austerity measures to improve the economy, and understanding that stimulus and growth must not be considered independently from equity and sustainability.

Additionally, the union has suggested addressing debt logically in a medium-term framework, raising additional revenue through progression taxation, and implementing fiscal policies that promote long-term structural transformation, while avoiding excessive reliance on the private sector for resources.

Dr Cebekhulu-Makhaza further stressed the need to grow South Africa’s economy without increasing the burden on government workers by addressing the obstacles that are suffocating the economy, workers, and businesses. This begins by resolving issues such as loadshedding, dysfunctional municipalities, tax evasion, and the instability of Transnet and Metro Rail

“We cannot afford to continue kicking the can down the road. The time for action is now, beginning with urgent policy reforms that address our structural challenges and ensure that we utilise the resources at our disposal widely,” he said.

Pointing to the difficulties of the current economic climate and ongoing obstacles in the criminal justice system, law enforcement and South Africa are at risk of losing the fight against crime, he said.

In a message to President Ramaphosa, he therefore urged the President to speak out on issues and address the hard matters plaguing the police, prison and traffic officers of South Africa.

“Yes, they are dedicated civil servants, but let it be known, without reservation, these men and women are first and foremost citizens of this nation. They look to you, Mr. President, for resolute answers to the formidable issues that weigh heavily on their shoulders,” Dr Cebekhulu-Makhaza stated.

“Workers are demanding that government do more to end the current levels of load-shedding, cable theft, crime and corruption, and wasteful expenditure. They have sent a clear message that austerity cuts are crippling the state, suffocating the economy, and further plunging workers into high levels of indebtedness and misery. 

“The working class can no longer afford to bear the burden of rising levels of inflation, electricity tariff hikes, and relentless and reckless increases in interest rates. Workers are losing hope and patience. Government must deal with rising levels of frustration, despair, anger, poverty, indebtedness, unemployment, crime, and corruption with urgency.”


Issued by PR Worx on behalf of Popcru