POPCRU calls for removal of police colleges' head

8th May 2024

The Police and Prisons Civil Rights Union (POPCRU) has called for the removal of the South African Police Service’s (SAPS) Divisional Commander for Human Resources Development, citing a growing number of complaints regarding poor leadership and growing disarray within the country’s police colleges.  

President Thulani Ngwenya has expressed deep concern over the leadership abilities of Divisional Commissioner Lieutenant-General Bongiwe Zulu, who was appointed to her role in 2018 and is responsible for oversight of SAPS colleges. 

Ngwenya notes that POPCRU has received serious allegations from members regarding her lack of management skills and disregard for staff, which are said to have created a toxic environment that is threatening the effectivity of the colleges as SAPS training grounds.

"The working conditions and culture that have been created are unacceptable, plain and simple. Our members have reported that this commissioner’s management style is undermining morale and creating a hostile environment for both staff and trainees,” he says.

“This not only impacts employees’ mental health, but is jeopardising the quality of training that candidates receive, threatening their safety and success as future SAPS members. This situation cannot be allowed to stand. We will not stand by while the foundation of our police service crumbles."

According to complaints received by POPCRU, several managers have filed grievances against Zulu, citing concerns about her management style. In response, Zulu initiated disciplinary proceedings against these managers, which included threats of suspension and disciplinary charges. This action has resulted in many of the managers taking sick leave. 

Other allegations concern the commissioner's failure to address serious workplace issues. POPCRU has received numerous reports where complaints about sexual harassment or other forms of misconduct were ignored, creating an unsafe working environment.

In response, POPCRU is demanding immediate action from the National Commissioner, including that while the investigation into Zulu's conduct continues, she be removed from the division to ensure a fair and impartial process. This will eliminate any potential for intimidation from the head of the division.

"The safety and well-being of our police officers begins in our colleges. This failed leadership is a slap in the face to every South African who relies on a strong and professional police service," states Ngwenya. 

“We will not tolerate the continued mismanagement of our police colleges. As such, we strongly urge the National Commissioner to prioritise this issue and take decisive action to restore order and integrity to our training institutions. This will better ensure a well-trained and professional police service for the safety of all South Africans.”


Issued by POPCRU