Parly gives in to DA demands, Treasury to provide answers on financial implications of new education bill

16th August 2023 By: News24Wire

 Parly gives in to DA demands, Treasury to provide answers on financial implications of new education bill

The Portfolio Committee on Basic Education conceded to the demands of the Democratic Alliance (DA) and African Christian Democratic Party (ACDP) to have National Treasury detail the financial implications of controversial education legislation.

On Wednesday, committee chairperson Bongiwe Mbinqo-Gigaba agreed to allow Treasury and parliamentary legal services to make submissions to the committee over the Basic Education Laws Amendment Bill.

"As and when they arrive, even if we are in the middle of the process, let's allow them space to present. I will communicate their response," she said.

The two major sticking points were that Treasury was not consulted on the financial implications of the bill and the constitutionality thereof.

DA MP Baxolile Nodada, who walked out of the committee's meeting on Tuesday, said the bill in its current form would disempower communities and schools from making decisions on their admission and language policies.

"We will not allow the African National Congress (ANC) to push their agenda through Parliament and further wreck the education of millions of learners," he added.

ACDP MP Marie Sukers said the controversial bill was rejected in several provinces.

"Discrepancies in figures make it look likely that the majority of South Africans who commented rejected the bill," she added.

On Tuesday, the committee heard the Department of Basic Education would need R16-billion to implement the bill.

The department said much of the financial injection was needed to fund the expansion of Grade R at more than 7 800 schools.

Most of the money, around R12-billion, would be needed for infrastructure development - such as classrooms - and an estimated R4-billion to fund staffing requirements.

The bill proposes to amend the SA Schools Act of 1996 and the Employment of Educators Act of 1998 to align them with developments in the education landscape.

Part of its provisions includes:

The bill also provides the minister with additional regulatory powers and enhances the decision-making and oversight powers of heads of departments and of members of executive councils.