PAC: Condolences to the family of Kgosi Mangope (Tautona)

19th January 2018

PAC: Condolences to the family of Kgosi Mangope (Tautona)

Pan Africanist Congress of Azania (PAC) is mourning with sadness the departure of former Bophuthatswana Bantustan leader, Kgosi Lucas Manyane Mangope. His death to the PAC is a colosaal loss.

The PAC sends its deepest condolences to the lovely family of Mangope, Bahurutshe tribe, comrades, UCDP and the entire humanity of the late Tautona, Kgosi Lucas Mangope who is widely known for his great sense of humour.

Kgosi Mangope has played a leading and visible role in the traditional life and social development of the Bahurutshe people which is the main Batswana tribe. We have seen in recent months when he passed the baton of tribal leadership of Motswedi people to his eldest son, he did not want to be buried with kingdom but preferred that it continues even beyond his death.

Kgosi Magope was in the same class at Adams College with the PAC's second President, the late Zephania Lekoane "Uncle Zeph" Mothopeng. he took  different parts in politics but his love and patriotism for his people never diminished.

It is very regrettable that some organisation refused the University of North West (NWU) to award him an Honorary doctorate as a gesture for the role he played in the lives of "his people" (batho bame, as he used to refer to them).

He will greatly be remembered for being a great Setswana orator, the one that we will never witness in our lifetime. His ability to play with language singled him out to be the best in his game. He is also respected for love of education. Many African children have benefitted from his bursaries to Mangosuthu Technikon and piloting others overseas to equip them in order to better the economy of former Bophuthatswana Bantustan.

We remember him very well for refusing Bophuthatswana to be annexed into the new South Africa, but he lost that battle. He continued to speak against the government under Mandela referring to 1994 as euphoria phase, he is being vindicated considering the conditions our people are subjected to daily. He referred to the ANC cadres as "Mapantiti" which translates to prisoners, he opined that they would steal public funds and the truth is not far from his assertions. He was not a saint but a man trying to lead his people to abundant live.

Lastly, his death is personal to PAC because his nephew, Kgosi Gaseitsiwe Mangope - who was a traditional/tribe leader in Motswedi near Zeerust had spent three years on notorious Robben Island for carrying out PAC/APLA activities.

His death left a deep hole in our hearts as we were organising a courtesy visit during December 2017 but were stopped due to Kgosi Mangope's health deteriorating further and he was losing that huge battle considering his age.


Issued by PAC