NUM: NUM to start wage negotiations with Kumba Iron Ore

23rd May 2017

NUM: NUM to start wage negotiations with Kumba Iron Ore

Photo by: Duane

The National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) is going to wage negotiations with Kumba Iron Ore after the three-year agreement is coming to an end on the 30th of June 2017. The NUM will table its demands of its members in Kumba Iron Ore operations in the Northern Cape ( Kolomela and Sishen mines) on the 25th of May 2017.

The NUM represent the majority of employees in the Northern Cape and in Kumba and it is still the majority union. Kumba is one of the biggest Iron Ore producers in the country and we believe they will reward employees in these wage negotiations. Kumba Iron Ore is where it is today as a result of the workers. The NUM demands amongst others are to improve salary of workers, better conditions of employment, housing,  and improved Employee Share Ownership Scheme (ESOPS).

"We will be approaching these wage negotiations with open minded looking at the performance of the company, share price, and inflation. But what we know is that the price of bread for the rich is the same price of bread for the poor and the working class," said Lucas Phiri, NUM Chief Negotiator at Kumba Iron Ore.

We are looking forward to one of the interesting and objective wage negotiations.


Issued by NUM