NUM: NUM concludes a retrenchment agreement with Evander Gold Mine

13th March 2017

NUM: NUM concludes a retrenchment agreement with Evander Gold Mine

Photo by: Duane

The National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) has concluded both the  Voluntary Separation Package and retrenchment agreements on the 10th of March 2017 with Evander Gold mine.

Evander Gold Mine is a subsidiary of the Pan African Resources.

This after Evander Gold Mine served the NUM with Section 189(3) notice of the Labour Relations Act to retrench 2 400 workers.

Details of the collective agreements are as follows:

· We concluded both the Voluntary Separation Package and retrenchment agreements before we can conclude retrenchment process, for the company to be able to source funds to avoid the closure of the mine which will affect more than 2000 employees, whom majority are our members.

· Currently the affected employees are 976 from 2 400 who were likely to be retrenched.

· We have agreed that we will start with Voluntary Separation Package and redeployment to other mines to reduce the number of 976 affected employees.

· Should the VSP and redeployment not assist in avoiding retrenchment, we will then engage in the retrenchment process.

· Both agreements were presented in the mass meeting, the members gave the NUM  a blessing to sign, so to avoid the closure of the mine.


Issued by NUM